[ The andblack Edit Story ]

andblack’s design process focuses on inducing a soft yet dramatic finesse to robust materials through uniquely curved forms and tasteful craftsmanship.

We design products and furniture pieces that are distinctly bold, fueled with emotional movement, founded in structural integrity often designed by a compulsive need to push beyond the norms.

“We bring forth a visual singularity in elements despite their chaotic & complex design processes”
-Jwalant Mahadevwala

“For us, it’s about reimagining the potential of flat surfaces as soulful curves. This is how we push the boundaries of a single material to make it sing.”
-Kanika Agrawal

[ Our Approach ]

01.Active Intuition
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Design is a conversation and our intuition is the storyteller. We trust our instinct while our imagination guides us. Our design is led by our innate understanding of the world.
02.Intelligent Systems
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Our designs are born from a dance between experience and innovation. Every detail, every angle, a deliberate choice. From concept to reality, we bring forth years of insight & expertise.
03.Timeless Materials
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Materials shape memories, Timeless design is a result of quality and history. We work in singular materials to craft singular narratives that unfold the material’s soul.
04.Thoughtful Execution
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Perfection often emerges through a series of thoughtful choices. It doesn’t happen by accident. Every decision, every detail, is a brushstroke of intention.



Design is a conversation and our intuition is the storyteller. We trust our instinct while our imagination guides us. Our design is led by our innate understanding of the world.



Our designs are born from a dance between experience and innovation. Every detail, every angle, a deliberate choice. From concept to reality, we bring forth years of insight & expertise.



Materials shape memories, Timeless design is a result of quality and history. We work in singular materials to craft singular narratives that unfold the material’s soul.



Perfection often emerges through a series of thoughtful choices. It doesn’t happen by accident. Every decision, every detail, is a brushstroke of intention.

[ Meet The Designers ]

Jwalant Mahadevwala

Principal Designer

Your go-to, quick on his feet, intuitively experimental designer who’s constantly redefining the standard for himself and the industry.

Kanika Agrawal

Principal Designer

Your unapologetic high-flier powerhouse, bubbling with ideas, proactive, organised and eagle-eyed master of all undertakings at andblack.

[ Team And Collaborators ]

Kush Bansal (Core Team)

Lead Designer at andblack

Kush Bansal (Core Team)

Lead Designer at andblack

Ravi Mistry (Collaborator)


Karan Gajjar (Collaborator)


Nilesh Panchal (Collaborator)


Darshan Savla (Collaborator)


Nirav Ashoka (Collaborator)


Studio Simply Cathartic (Collaborator)

Website strategy & design

[ The Design Practice ]

andblack is an interdisciplinary design story woven over 10+yrs of trust, partnership, authenticity and expression. It is a way of life set in motion by Jwalant Mahadevwala and Kanika Agrawal who are Architects & Furniture Designers from Ahmedabad. The design practice follows a process-driven philosophy to come up with solutions that are independent of scale. At andblack , we use simple and candid design parameters to come up with robust, diligent & complex combinations by deploying intelligent, forward-thinking systems. We power ahead of time by re-interpreting the knowledge of the past. Jwalant’s knowledge in generative design processes combined with Kanika’s expertise in sustainable architecture contributes to andblack ’s foundational ideology.

[ Career at andblack ]

Calling all passionate architects, graphic designers, interior designers, product & furniture designers and project managers to explore a career that challenges convention and embraces imaginative expression.

// Designing With Deliberation
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We practice an unhurried approach to space and product design which is infused with thoughtfulness, intelligence and timelessness.
// Cultivating Daring Minds
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We live in a world of collaboration and creative exploration. At andblack, every voice matters, fostering an environment where ideas collide and the focus remains the creation itself. Our culture thrives on engagement, attention to detail and sustainable innovation.
// Who We Seek
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If you’re passionate about design, thrive under pressure and look forward to embracing challenges head-on, we’re certain you will shine at andblack. Proficiency in design thinking, 3D modeling & rendering softwares & CAD softwares is essential for design positions.
// Shape The Future
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Joining andblack isn’t just about a job, it’s about a lifestyle. Send us an email >with your portfolio on career@andblackstudio.com; use the subject line “Applying for the post of [Name of position]” We’re eager to uncover the story you bring to our canvas.

[ Have a Message For Us? ]

We welcome all individuals, architectural & interior stylists and furniture showrooms looking for high-end and structurally elegant designs to join our emotionally inspired journey. 

Visit our ‘Contact Us’ page to discover more ways of getting in touch with us!

[Jwalant - Don’t let his facade fool you. There’s a witty joke beneath]

Jwalant’s creative journey as an architect and designer is deeply rooted in the fluidity of organic architecture and the limitless possibilities of parametric design.

“I love Nari Gandhi’s work; how he seamlessly integrates organic forms and materials to spaces They defy conventional boundaries effortlessly.”

With a masters degree in Design resaerch from AA, London; Jwalant’s design style is explorative and wildly imaginative. For him, every action must bear personal meaning, whether deemed a success or a failure by conventional standards.

Jwalant sees fellow designers as contemporaries instead of competition, each expressing their unique vision through their work.

His personal mantra (which seeps into every aspect of his life including design) is –

1. Live and let live
2. Good things come to those who wait
3. Always challenge the status quo
4. Keep it simple

Over the years, the melodies of the band Indian Ocean, have played a profound role in shaping and inspiring Jwalant’s life and creative process.

“I will one day make architecture the way you make music”

-He once declared, taking the stage at an Indian Ocean concert

Kanika says that some of Jwalant’s best ideas have come to him while listening to Indian Ocean.

Jwalant spent 4 years working under Ar. Zaha Hadid, mastering his grasp on parametric design principles. He says the furniture they design is the result of architectural & structural understanding. Their furniture exists because they are architects first.

Had Jwalant not been an architect or designer, you would find him –

1. DJing all night
2. Building a life in adventure sports
3. Critiquing food
4. Teaching kids

His collaboration with Kanika, in both his personal and professional life, have complemented his free-spirited nature, resulting in designs that push the boundaries of innovation.

[Kanika - She’s on a joyride, intentionally]

Kanika’s creative journey is an intricate tapestry woven with threads of spirituality, empathy, and boundless curiosity. She’s not just a designer; she’s an explorer of the human experience, constantly seeking inspiration from life’s diverse landscapes.

Kanika’s design philosophy is rooted in sustainability and a deep respect for the natural world. Her journey includes a master’s degree in sustainable design from AA, London; an apprenticeship with Ashok Lal at the Auroville Institute, where she contributed to pioneering LEED-rated buildings in India and a 4-year term under Hopkins.

“You are never going to be remembered by what you’ve done; you are going to be remembered by how you made people feel ”

Her guiding principle, borrowed from Maya Angelou, steers Kanika into diving deep into the interconnectedness of our world.

Beyond the drawing board, this helps Kanika revel in the lighter side of life

1. Thriller Novels
2. Comedy Films & Reality TV
3. Historical Documentaries
4. Intense Dramas

Her adventurous spirit finds expression in running marathons, savoring delightful cuisine, and cherishing moments with loved ones. These experiences fuel her creative process, attracting her to designs with structural integrity and innovative charm.

“My journey has been one of embracing challenges and fearlessness. I believe in sharing my story, in being brave, being human and unapologetically myself”

At andblack , Kanika and Jwalant have distinctive roles that harmonize their partnership. While Jwalant takes the helm of daring design, Kanika ensures his vision resonates with the world. She’s the pillar & the stabilizing force that brings andblack’s vision to life.

Kanika’s favourite pass-time is –

1. Roasting Jwalant
2. Trying world cuisines
3. Painting landscapes
4. Reading a book

Looking ahead, Kanika envisions a future where daring minds and audacious ideologies flourish, where imagination flows boundlessly. Her vision for andblack is to create exceptional design work that resonates with a wider audience, sharing the joy of creating authentically.
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